Creating a follow-up sequence
Steps for creating a follow up sequence
Follow these steps to create a sequence of follow-up emails that you can use as automated reminders from Gmail:
1.- Access the "Follow-ups" section within your InboxPro’s dashboard:
2.- Click on “New sequence”.
3.- Compose an e-mail and make the necessary settings:
- What will the sequence trigger be? When the recipient has not responded, when they have not opened the e-mail or in any circumstance.
- How many days to send the next e-mail? Delay sending an e-mail from the next day to 31 days after the sequence has been activated.
- The best time to send the e-mail? Any time interval from 1:00 to 12:45.
- At what time? Before noon or after noon (AM/PM).
For example, in this image, you can see that the e-mail will be sent when the receiver has not opened the mail the day after it was sent at 7:27 AM.
- If you wish, use a template that you have previously configured by selecting the "Select template" option.
- You can also get an idea of how the e-mail will look like before sending it by clicking on the "Preview" button and even send a test e-mail.
4.- Add as many reminder e-mails as you need and when you have finished click on "Save sequence".
(*) Important: if you want to know how to use a follow-up sequence in Gmail, see the article "Using a sequence". In case you need to know which sequences are running in order to activate or deactivate them, see the articles "How to see the status and progress of a follow-up email" and "Stopping / Playing follow-up emails".