Sharing your calendar

There are several ways to share your calendar with InboxPro, directly from Gmail or from your dashboard.

Sharing your calendar from Gmail

1.- Log in to your Gmail account and click on “Compose”.

2.- Click on the “Calendar” icon that will appear in the bottom bar.

Calendar Feature Extension - InboxPro

3.- When the menu is displayed, click on the calendar you want to include.

Calendar Feature Select Calendar- InboxPro

4.- And the URL of your calendar will appear in the body of the e-mail.

Calendar Feature Link - InboxPro

Sharing your calendar from your dashboard

1.- Access the "Calendar" section of your InboxPro’s dashboard.

Calendar Feature Menu - InboxPro

2.- Copy the URL that appears just below your name and paste it in the e-mail.

Calendar Feature Personal Link - InboxPro

3.- You can also share the calendar of a type of event by clicking on "Copy link" and then pasting this link in the body of the e-mail you are going to send.

Calendar Feature Copy Link - InboxPro

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