Downloading tracked e-mails

InboxPro's "Track e-mail" option collects information on all e-mails you keep track of: 

  • How many times it has been opened.
  • Date and time.
  • Whether the recipient clicked on a link (available on the "Pro" and "Advanced" plans).

Steps for downloading tracked emails

All this data is available on your dashboard, but if you want to download it do the following:

1.- Go to your InboxPro’s dashboard and click on the "Tracking" section of the menu.

Email Tracking Feature Menu - InboxPro

2.- Click on “Download CSV”.

Email Tracking Feature Dashboard - InboxPro

3.- When the pop-up appears, use the calendar, choose a time interval and the format in which you want to download it: CSV (comma separated data) or Excel (data table); and click "Export".

Email Tracking Feature CSV - InboxPro

4. Use a program such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel to open the file.

Email Tracking Feature Excel - InboxPro

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