Enabling/Disabling e-mail notifications

InboxPro allows you to receive three types e-mail notifications:

  • Daily Report: your day to day activity in Gmail.
  • Notifications: alerts when your e-mails are opened, hot conversation, not opened reminders, etc.
  • Calendar: appointment reminder, confirmed appointment, canceled appointment, etc.

How to enable or disable e-mail notifications 

All of these notifications will remain on by default (some are only available on InboxPro's “Pro” and “Advanced” plans), but you can enable or disable them at any time:

1.- Access your InboxPro dashboard and click on the gear ⚙️ next to your profile image.

2.- Use the switches to enable or disable notifications. 

Settings - InboxPro

3. Click “Save changes” to confirm the settings.

Disable notifications from Gmail

Additionally, you can also change notifications from Gmail.

If you want to disable the daily report, read notification, link tracking notification or hot conversation, each time you receive an e-mail go to the end section and click on the button to turn them off.

Email Notifications - InboxPro

Also, opened e-mail notifications and link tracking notifications can be changed when you send an e-mail:

1.- Click on the double check next to the “Magic Compose” button.

Extension - InboxPro

2.- Use the “Notification” or “Link tracking” switch to enable or disable notifications.

Tracking Settings - InboxPro

(*) Important: the settings will only be applied to that particular e-mail and not to the following ones that you send.

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