Daily report
Every day, InboxPro will send you a report with your activity in Gmail depending on which features of your plan have been activated:
- E-mail tracking
- Schedule
- Follow-up sequences…
This report allows you to keep track of your day: a follow-up e-mail, your next meetings, a sequence of e-mails you have in progress, etc.
Example of a daily report e-mail
In this case, the e-mail tracking feature was activated the day before and the report shows that the e-mails have been read today.
Also, if you want to get more information about the status of these e-mails, you can click on the angle icon and a new browser tab will open with your InboxPro dashboard.
Turn off and turn on daily report
In case you prefer to turn off the daily report, let’s say during a holiday period, just open any “InboxPro Daily Report” on Gmail and click “Turn off daily report ”.
Whenever you want to activate it again, go to your InboxPro dashboard and click on the ⚙️ gear to go to the account settings.
Then use the "Daily Report" switch to turn it back on.