Daily report

Every day, InboxPro will send you a report with your activity in Gmail depending on which features of your plan have been activated:

  • E-mail tracking
  • Schedule
  • Follow-up sequences…

This report allows you to keep track of your day: a follow-up e-mail, your next meetings, a sequence of e-mails you have in progress, etc.

Example of a daily report e-mail 

Daily Report Email - InboxPro

In this case, the e-mail tracking feature was activated the day before and the report shows that the e-mails have been read today. 

Also, if you want to get more information about the status of these e-mails, you can click on the angle icon and a new browser tab will open with your InboxPro dashboard.

Turn off and turn on daily report

In case you prefer to turn off the daily report, let’s say during a holiday period, just open any “InboxPro Daily Report” on Gmail and click “Turn off daily report ”.

Daily Report Notification - InboxPro

Whenever you want to activate it again, go to your InboxPro dashboard and click on the ⚙️ gear to go to the account settings.

Then use the "Daily Report" switch to turn it back on.

Activate Daily Report- InboxPro

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