How do I remove the "Sent by InboxPro" signature from my email?

Steps for removing "Sent by InboxPro" from your signature

If you currently have an InboxPro “Free” account you may have noticed that when you send an e-mail the message “Sent by InboxPro” appears in your signature. We only ask you to include this signature in order to reach more people, but if you want to remove it follow these steps:

1.- Click on the (X) next to the message “Sender notified by InboxPro”.

InboxPro Signature

2.- When a pop-up appears indicating that it’s a "Pro" feature, click on the "Upgrade Plan" button.

Upgrade Message - InboxPro

3.- You will be redirected to the InboxPro plans page. Then click on “Get Pro” or “Start 7-days free trial” (in case you want to subscribe to the “Advanced” plan).

Plans - InboxPro

4.- On the payment screen, enter your card details and click on “Subscribe”.

Card Details - InboxPro

5. You will receive a confirmation e-mail indicating that you have successfully subscribed to the new plan.

Plan Upgraded Email - InboxPro

And now, the message “Sender notified by InboxPro” won't appear in your e-mails!

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