Downgrading your subscription
Steps for downgrading your subscription
If you are subscribed to the “Pro” or “Advanced” plan of InboxPro and need to do a downgrade because your needs have changed, follow these steps:
1.- Go to your dashboard, click on your profile image and then on “Plans and Pricing”.
2.- Choose which plan you want to downgrade to. For example, if you have an “Advanced” plan you can change your subscription to the “Pro” version by clicking on the “Downgrade” button or to the “Free” version by clicking on “Cancel subscription”.
3. - When the pop-up appears, confirm that you want to downgrade your subscription.
4.- You will receive an e-mail indicating that your plan has been downgraded.
5.- In case you need it, you can consult the billing section from the InboxPro dashboard by clicking on your profile image and then on “Subscription and Billing”.
(*) Important: whether your billing period is monthly or yearly, you can continue using the same features of your plan until the day before you’d have to make the next payment. Then, the subscription will be downgraded if you were on the “Pro” plan or it will be canceled and billing will stop if you have chosen the “Free” plan.