Organizing e-mail templates

In order to organize the templates, group them in different folders. You can have a folder with the commercial templates, another one with the budgets, another one with the company presentations, etc.

Thus, when you want to analyze their performance or simply access them from Gmail, the process will be much easier.

Steps for organizing templates

To organize the folders, do the following:

1.- Access your InboxPro’s dashboard and click on the "Templates" section of the menu.

Templates Feature Menu - InboxPro

2.- Expand the options by clicking on the arrow at the top right margin of the template screen and then click on "New".

Templates Feature New Folder - InboxPro

3.- When the pop-up appears, type the folder name and then click "Add folder".

Add folder - InboxPro

4. Click on the three dots of the template you want to save in that folder and then click on “Move".

Templates Feature Move to Folder- InboxPro

5.- The e-mails will be organized in the folders you have created.

Templates Feature Number in Folders - InboxPro

6.- If you want you can also share the folder with team members, delete it or rename it by clicking on the three dots.

Templates Feature Share Folder - InboxPro

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