How can I cancel my subscription?
If at any time you need to cancel your InboxPro subscription you can do so very easily. To do so, just go to the "Account" settings in the InboxPro dashboard and when the menu pops up click on "Plans and Pricing".
You will then see a screen with the subscription plans and you will be able to change from your current plan to a lower or higher plan and even cancel your subscription.
Example of an "Advanced" user plan
In this example you can see in the image, the user's current plan is the "Advanced" and, therefore, has the option to "Downgrade" to the "Pro" plan or click on "Cancel subscription" and use the functionalities of the "Free" account.
(*) Important: whether your billing period is monthly or yearly and you cancel your account, you will be able to continue using the "Pro" or "Advanced" features until the day before your next payment is due. At that time, the subscription will be canceled. Thus, you will not be charged anymore and you can continue to enjoy a "Free" account.