Team Overview
InboxPro gives you the possibility to create a team so that several members of the company or collaborators can access the application's functionalities.
Your account will be considered as the "main account" and the rest of the members will be guests. Therefore, you will be the administrator and will have the control to add new members or remove existing ones.
In case you have a "Pro" or "Advanced" account you will be the payment manager and you will be able to manage the monthly or yearly billing cycles. Please note that when adding a new member, you should check the number of licenses you have active and increase the number if necessary.
How to access the "Team" section
All you have to do is log in to your dashboard and in the "Management" section click on "Team".
You can also access from the blue and red envelope icon in the top bar of your Gmail account:
Once you have accessed this section, you will see a screen with the current members of your team.