Zoom Integration

Connecting with Zoom:

Connecting Zoom with InboxPro is very simple, just follow these steps:

1.-  Access your InboxPro dashboard and click on the little wheel ⚙️ that appears next to your profile image.

2.-  Click on the "Connect Zoom" button that you will find at the bottom of the page.

Zoom Settings - InboxPro

3.-  Once you have clicked on "Connect Zoom" you will be redirected to the Zoom page where you must enter with your credentials

Zoom Login - InboxPro

4.-  When you have entered with your credentials you will be redirected to the InboxPro permissions page within the Zoom marketplace. In order to use Zoom in InboxPro you must grant the corresponding permissions to InboxPro by clicking on "Allow".

Zoom Autorization - InboxPro

5.-  Finally, once the permissions have been accepted, you will be redirected back to InboxPro and you will be able to use the Zoom feature in your calendars.

How to use Zoom in your calendar event types:

Go to your InboxPro dashboard, select the "Calendar" option and follow these steps:

1.- Click on "Event Types" and then "New Event type":

Calendar Event Types - InboxPro

2.- Fill in the fields that appear: name, duration, description and choose Zoom Video as location.

Edit Event Type - InboxPro

3.- Use the advanced options to limit the availability of this type of event: which days and times and until when they will be able to meet with you. (*) If you don’t fill in these options, the ones you have configured in "Availability" will be taken by default.

Edit Event Type Advanced - InboxPro

4.- Configure your availability by clicking on "Availability": time zone, days and hours you are operational, including also your breaks using the (+) sign.

Calendar Availability - InboxPro

5.- Go back to Gmail and, in the text editor, click on the "Calendar" icon:

Calendar Feature Extension - InboxPro

6. Select the event you want to include in the e-mail:

Select Calendar - InboxPro

Remember that you can also use this link in your e-mail signature!

7.- When the recipient of the message clicks on the link, they will be able to choose when to have the meeting with you:

User Cal - InboxPro

8. Once accepted, you will receive a notification e-mail and you will see your upcoming meetings in the "Bookings" section of the dashboard and the customer who is scheduling the event will receive an email with all meeting details:

Event Scheduled - InboxPro

Removing Zoom integration:

If you need to deauthorize and revoke the InboxPro's access to your Zoom account, you can do it from the "Settings" section, just follow these steps:

1.-  Access your InboxPro dashboard and click on the little wheel ⚙️ that appears next to your profile image.

2.-  Click on the "Disconnect Zoom" button that you will find at the bottom of the page. 

Zoom Account Connected - InboxPro

3.-  Your zoom account will be automatically disconnected. 

*Important: Just keep in mind that from that moment you will no longer be able to schedule more events with your zoom account, if you wish to do so you will have to reconnect your account as explained above.


If you have any problem with the integration of your Zoom account with InboxPro, don't hesitate to write to us in our support center.

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